Pulp 2
Following this installation procedure, an additional package is needed in order to run the command pulp-manage-db. The information is found here and the package for RedHat systems called qpid-tools.
pulp-admin rpm repo sync schedules list --repo-id <repo-id>
Source Settings schedules for repositories can be a bit cryptic, especially since the iso8601 format is used.
Information about the syntax is in the source-link and here are examples:
- sync every three hours starting from 2015-11-11 12:00
pulp-admin rpm repo sync schedules create -s 2015-11-10T12:00/PT3H --repo-id <repo-id>
Remove RPM from Repo
By filename
pulp-admin rpm repo content rpm --repo-id=<repoid> | grep <pkg>
pulp-admin rpm repo remove rpm --repo-id=<repoid> --str-eq="filename=<pkg>"
pulp-admin rpm repo publish run --repo-id=<repoid>
pulp-admin orphan remove --all
Reset admin password
# python
from pulp.server.db.connection import initialize
from pulp.server.controllers.user import update_user
update_user('admin', {'password': 'newpasswordhere'})