
Documentation templates for custom scripts.


A quick summary what the script does and what is its purpose.


*  [What is it](#what_is_it)
*  [Requirements](#requirements)
*  [Get started](#get_started)
*  [Report a bug or suggest a feature](#report_a_bug_or_suggest_a_feature)
*  [External links](#external_links)

What is it

A more detailed description of where the script comes from, what it's purpose is and what it tries to solve.


Technical requirements for the script. Packages, versions, etc. you should put here.

Get started

A quick introduction on how to get it working very quickly.

1. Do this first.
2. Then do this.

Report a bug or suggest a feature

Where to input bugs or feature request, more general contact information can also be put here.

External links

Links to other external resources.

*   Link1
*   Link2

# Version 1.0 (<YYYYmmdd>)
# Description
#   Detailed description
# **Syntax:**
#   __FILE__ <syntax>
# **Example:**
#   __FILE__ -p1 -p2
# **Parameter:**
# --par1|-p1 <string>
#   Description of the first parameter.
# --par2|p2 <bool>
#   Description of the second parameter.
# **Requirements:**
#   * requirement1
#   * requirement2
# **Additional documentation:**
#   * url1
#   * url2
# **Author(s):**
#   Author name <>