Among Us
Hide and seek
- Imposters: 1
- Crewmate Vision: 2.00x
- Imposter vision: 0.25x
- Kill Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Kill Distance: Short
- Common Tasks: 0
- Long Tasks: 0
- Short Tasks: 4
- Imposters: 1
- Anonymous Votes: Off
- Emergency Cooldown: 15s
- Discussion time: 0s
- Voting Time: 45s
- Speed: 1.75
- Crewmate Vision: 1
- Imposter Vision: 1.5
- Kill Cooldown: 10s
- Kill distance: Short
- Common Tasks: 0
- Long Tasks: 0
- Short Tasks: 3
- Imposter must sabotage lights and announce themself as soon as the round starts
- Imposter gives Crewmates a five second head start to run away
- You’re free to talk at any time
- No reporting bodies
- No fixing the lights
- No emergency meetings
- No sabotages (beyond the lights)