
Send a message to Kodi (XBCM)


curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"GUI.ShowNotification","params":{"title":"This is the title of the message","message":"This is the body of the message"},"id":1}' http://i3c.pla.lcl:8080/jsonrpc

Window mode

One annoying feature is that the -key brings the window to roughly a quarter of the screen size of Kodi. The keyboard doesn't respond, because the window isn't selected. In order to restore the screen to full-screen you've got two choices (actually, just one.)

  1. Use the mouse (or a mouse) to select the window.
  2. Press ** in order to switch back to full-screen.

For disabling the switch between these two modes you can disable the -key by specifying it in the user keymap files:

$ vi ~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/noBS.xml

The setting is valid from the next restart of Kodi.

Changing the host name


The hostname of an xbian (Raspberry Pi) installation is tied to the device name set in Kodi. Its default is 'xbian'. Change the device name and restart the box and you will have changed the hostname of the system as well.

settings -> services -> device name

NFS stuttering