Two PDF documents per Page (A5)
$ pdfjam --nup 2x1 file1.pdf file2.pdf --landscape --outfile DONESKI.pdf
# --nup 2x1 : side by side
# --landscape : Set page to landscape mode
# --outfile : Set output file
Separate pdf documents
pdfseparate [-f x -l y] input.pdf output-page%d.pdf
Join/concat pdf documents
pdfunite input1.pdf input2.pdf output.pdf
pdfjoin input1.pdf input2.pdf
Join without rotation and addition of white space
pdfjoin --paper a4paper --rotateoversize false ....
Create blank PDF from command line
convert xc:none -page A4 blank.pdf
Rotate all pages by 180dg
pdfjam --angle 180 file.pdf